⭐️ Shoden 初傳 (Zenki – First term) consists of three parts. You spend at least two days for a Shoden level course. It can be done over three days for one part per day.
Part one: You will learn a history of reiki, a real story of Usui-sensei, the meaning of kanji character 靈氣, how you can pronounce Gokai properly by understanding the meaning of the five principle.
Part two: You will learn Byosen (the most profound art of authentic reiki) and Shirushi (a true shape of the reiki energy) as well as Kekko (an amazing technique to enhance blood circulation) to do reiki for others.
Part three: You will learn how to do reiki for yourself and how to practice on your own.
⭐️ Okuden 奥傳 (Kouki – Latter term) consists of two parts. This can be one day course for two parts at once, or two days course for one part per day.
Part one: You will learn Seiheki (a reiki treatment for Psychological issues)
Part two: You will learn Enkaku (a distant reiki healing), extended to a distant reiki for psychological issues, as well as a reiki treatment for psychological issues for yourself.
Seminar fees for Shoden & Okuden : 93,500 Japanese yen
(Shoden only: 49,500 Japanese yen, Okuden only: 44,000 Japanese yen)
The fee includes a textbook and 2 certificates both in English and in Japanese
Please be kindly informed that a seminar can be arranged upon request with a minimum of two people.